World Cuisine A4982799 Tri-Blade Plastic Spiral Vegetable Slicer
Great Little Gadget! I am starting to explore raw food cuisine and found that many of the pasta recipes required a vegetable spiralizer. I looked at a few others before deciding to purchase this one. I am VERY happy with it. I made raw zucchini pasta the day I received it. Nobody could tell the pasta was really zucchini. The noodles came out in a great texture and shape. The spiralizer does cause about a 20% veggie waste though because it leaves the core and the leftover stump where the spiralizer stops. However you can probably use the leftovers in a juice smoothie or soup. The nooodle size consistency isn't totally perfect with some coming out as little bitty cuts and some coming out as long unending strands yet the effect of eatting pasta was still there and I was still very satisfied.It's very easy to use. The learning curve was only about 2 minutes for me. The directions are a bit vague on one sheet of paper with small print and no pictures but I think it is easy to figure out. It comes with three sets of blades a smallholed one for thin noodles a largeholed one for thick noodles and straight blade for chiplike cuts. The instruction sheet also has some tips for even more creative shapes you can make. It was also very easy to clean although I didn't use a dishwasher.I think for the price this is great little contraption to have whether you are a raw foodist or just wanting to opt pasta out for healthier substitutes.
Awesome product! Not intended for commercial use but works great for basic home use. I was able to make delicious zuchinni pasta within minutes of opening this product. Very easy to use also kept my toddler entertained he watched for about 30 minutes.
AWESOME!! Great kitchen gadget! I have wanted one for a long time and decided to make the purchase on Amazon. Well worth the money. I made zucchini noodles tonight to serve with my chicken stir fry. WOW!! The noodles were Perfect!! The 4 stars would be five if like another reviewer said Needs a catch basin.
Very easy to use!! I love this thing! It works really well and is easy to clean. I didn't even need to read any instructions either because prior to getting it I watched a short tutorial on youtube that was super helpful. So far I have used it for zucchini cucumbers and apples. All worked really well. My son loved eating the apple spirals.
So easy to use
Sparoolie/veggie turning slicer This Sparoolie or turning vegetable slicer is absolutely wonderful. It makes wonderful zucchini sweet potato spagehetti it makes potato slices curls and rings. It makes shredding cabbage easy. You can do so many things with it. It is very very easy to clean.
Fun to use! OMG this is a cool kitchen device. I love it! We made zuccini spaghetti. So much fun! It worth the price. I'd recommend to buy.
Completely Excellent & Easy To Use! At first of course I was slightly skeptical but boy was I wrong. This thing is super great. I can't believe how close it is to real pasta/Spaghetti but it is zero calories & unlike regular pasta I did not feel heavy & bloated like usual like when I eat regular pasta. So the zucchini pasta for me is here to stay for sure. I felt extremely good after I ate it. Raw live food & I have been getting into the raw food area & my body has been thanking me ever since I have introduce live raw food. I just ate around 1 cup of the pasta with organic sauce that I made myself with a saucer of a fresh cut organic orange. I tossed the zucchini pasta in a pan & heated to room temperature & sprayed it with a little olive oil & the pan & only warmed it for around 2 to 3 minutes because I did not want to kill the food by cooking it because the object for me is to eat live raw food uncooked so warming is a trick that I use to trick my body into thinking I am eating hot cooked food & I am not but what I am eating is warmed live raw foods that is good for my body & that is my new pharmacy for my health & since I have been doing this I have lost 40 pounds in a month. Which to me is wonderful.
Love this!! I love this I am eating so much healthier with it! I use it almost exclusively with the smallest blade. It makes a perfect sized great textured noodle. I had to cut out most grains and this makes it easy to get my pasta fix. My toddler loves it as well he thinks it's so cool & loves the veggies we slice up and especially enjoys eating the 'stick' the core that's leftover.It IS plastic and thus made like a plastic product a little flimsy? A friend of mine has had hers for years though so hopefully it will hold up well. The suction cups on mine don't seem to work well either and it slides a bit which is annoying. However given the price and function I still think this is totally worth it.

Backed by a 1-year warranty; dishwasher safe.Simply place vegetable or fruit on prongs, turn wheel while pushing base toward blade.Make quick work of fancy vegetable peeling with the spiral vegetable slicer.Includes 3 sets of blades: 1/8-inch spacing, 1/4-inch spacing, and straight blade for ribbon cuts.Made of durable plastic. Great for making fancy spiral vegetable garnishes for salads as well as making curly fries from potatoes, the easy-to-use World Cuisine Tri-Blade Spiral Vegetable Slicer is made of durable plastic and comes with three sets of interchangeable blades. Just place your fruit or vegetable onto the prongs and turn the while pushing base toward the blade to make continuous spiral strands. It includes three sets of blades: one with 1/8-inch spacing, one with 1/4-inch spacing, and one straight blade for ribbon cuts or curly, ribbon-like slices. It measures 12 by 10 by 6 inches (LxWxH) and is dishwasher safe. Backed by a 1-year warranty.
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